J'arrive un peu tard sans doute mais bon, ça peut quand même servir.
Il y avait des variables obsolètes (changer $HTTP_GET_VARS en $_GET par exemple) et une ligne qui semblait ne pas fonctionné. Je l'ai mis en commentaire et ça a à l'air nickel. Voici le code :
____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _
| _ \| | | | _ \| |_ ___ ___ | |___| || | | | | |
| |_) | |_| | |_) | __/ _ \ / _ \| / __| || |_| | | |
| __/| _ | __/| || (_) | (_) | \__ \__ _| |_| |
|_| |_| |_|_| \__\___/ \___/|_|___/ |_| \___/
calendrier.php - A calendar
begin : June 2002
Version : 2.1 (Jan 04)
copyleft : (C) 2002-2003 - Mathieu LESNIAK
email :
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
### French Version
$calendar_txt['french']['monthes'] = array('', 'Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet',
'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre');
$calendar_txt['french']['days'] = array('Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi','Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi', 'Dimanche');
$calendar_txt['french']['first_day'] = 0;
$calendar_txt['french']['misc'] = array('Mois précédent', 'Mois suivant','Jour précédent', 'Jour suivant');
### English version
$calendar_txt['english']['monthes'] = array('', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October','November', 'December');
$calendar_txt['english']['days'] = array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday','Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday','Sunday');
$calendar_txt['english']['first_day'] = -1;
$calendar_txt['english']['misc'] = array('Previous month', 'Next month', 'Previous day', 'Next day');
### Spanish version
$calendar_txt['spanish']['monthes'] = array('', 'Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio',
'Agosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre');
$calendar_txt['spanish']['days'] = array('Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miércoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sábado', 'Domingo');
$calendar_txt['spanish']['first_day'] = 0;
$calendar_txt['spanish']['misc'] = array('Mes anterior', 'Mes próximo', 'día anterior', 'día siguiente');
### German version
$calendar_txt['german']['monthes'] = array('', 'Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli',
'August', 'September', 'Oktober','November', 'Dezember');
$calendar_txt['german']['days'] = array('Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch', 'Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag', 'Sonntag');
$calendar_txt['german']['first_day'] = 0;
$calendar_txt['german']['misc'] = array('Vorhergehender Monat', 'Folgender Monat', 'Vorabend', 'Am nächsten Tag');
function calendar($date = '') {
Global $link_on_day, $PHP_SELF, $params;
Global $calendar_txt;
### Default Params
$param_d['calendar_id'] = 1; // Calendar ID
$param_d['calendar_columns'] = 5; // Nb of columns
$param_d['show_day'] = 1; // Show the day bar
$param_d['show_month'] = 1; // Show the month bar
$param_d['nav_link'] = 1; // Add a nav bar below
$param_d['link_after_date'] = 1; // Enable link on days after the current day
$param_d['link_before_date'] = 0; // Enable link on days before the current day
$param_d['link_on_day'] = $PHP_SELF.'?date=%%dd%%'; // Link to put on each day
$param_d['font_face'] = 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica'; // Default font to use
$param_d['font_size'] = 10; // Font size in px
$param_d['bg_color'] = '#FFFFFF';
$param_d['today_bg_color'] = '#A0C0C0';
$param_d['font_today_color'] = '#990000';
$param_d['font_color'] = '#000000';
$param_d['font_nav_bg_color'] = '#A9B4B3';
$param_d['font_nav_color'] = '#FFFFFF';
$param_d['font_header_color'] = '#FFFFFF';
$param_d['border_color'] = '#3f6551';
$param_d['use_img'] = 1; // Use gif for nav bar on the bottom
### New params V2
$param_d['lang'] = 'french';
$param_d['font_highlight_color']= '#FF0000';
$param_d['bg_highlight_color'] = '#00FF00';
$param_d['day_mode'] = 0;
$param_d['time_step'] = 30;
$param_d['time_start'] = '0:00';
$param_d['time_stop'] = '24:00';
$param_d['highlight'] = array();
// Can be 'hightlight' or 'text'
$param_d['highlight_type'] = 'highlight';
$param_d['cell_width'] = 20;
$param_d['cell_height'] = 20;
$param_d['short_day_name'] = 1;
$param_d['link_on_hour'] = $PHP_SELF.'?hour=%%hh%%';
### /Params
### Getting all params
while (list($key, $val) = each($param_d)) {
if (isset($params[$key])) {
$param[$key] = $params[$key];
else {
$param[$key] = $param_d[$key];
$monthes_name = $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['monthes'];
$param['calendar_columns'] = ($param['show_day']) ? 7 : $param['calendar_columns'];
$date = priv_reg_glob_calendar('date');
if ($date == '') {
$timestamp = time();
else {
$month = substr($date, 4 ,2);
$day = substr($date, 6, 2);
$year = substr($date, 0 ,4);
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
$current_day = date("d", $timestamp);
$current_month = date('n', $timestamp);
$current_month_2 = date('m', $timestamp);
$current_year = date('Y', $timestamp);
$first_decalage = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $current_month, 1, $current_year));
### Sunday is the _LAST_ day
$first_decalage = ( $first_decalage == 0 ) ? 7 : $first_decalage;
$current_day_index = date('w', $timestamp) + $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['first_day'] - 1;
$current_day_index = ($current_day_index == -1) ? 7 : $current_day_index;
$current_month_name = $monthes_name[$current_month];
$nb_days_month = date("t", $timestamp);
$current_timestamp = mktime(23,59,59,date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
### CSS
$output = '<style type="text/css">'."\n";
$output .= '<!--'."\n";
$output .= ' .calendarNav'.$param['calendar_id'].' { font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.($param['font_size']-1).'px; font-style: normal; background-color: '.$param['border_color'].'}'."\n";
$output .= ' .calendarTop'.$param['calendar_id'].' { font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.($param['font_size']+1).'px; font-style: normal; color: '.$param['font_header_color'].'; font-weight: bold; background-color: '.$param['border_color'].'}'."\n";
$output .= ' .calendarToday'.$param['calendar_id'].' { font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.$param['font_size'].'px; font-weight: bold; color: '.$param['font_today_color'].'; background-color: '.$param['today_bg_color'].';}'."\n";
$output .= ' .calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].' { width:'.$param['cell_width'].'; height:'.$param['cell_height'].'; font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.$param['font_size'].'px; font-style: normal; color: '.$param['font_color'].'; background-color: '.$param['bg_color'].'; text-align: center}'."\n";
$output .= ' .calendarHL'.$param['calendar_id'].' { width:'.$param['cell_width'].'; height:'.$param['cell_height'].';font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.$param['font_size'].'px; font-style: normal; color: '.$param['font_highlight_color'].'; background-color: '.$param['bg_highlight_color'].'; text-align: center}'."\n";
$output .= ' .calendarHeader'.$param['calendar_id'].'{ font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.($param['font_size']-1).'px; background-color: '.$param['font_nav_bg_color'].'; color: '.$param['font_nav_color'].';}'."\n";
$output .= ' .calendarTable'.$param['calendar_id'].' { background-color: '.$param['border_color'].'; border: 1px '.$param['border_color'].' solid}'."\n";
$output .= '-->'."\n";
$output .= '</style>'."\n";
$output .= '<table border="0" class="calendarTable'.$param['calendar_id'].'" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">'."\n";
### Displaying the current month/year
if ($param['show_month'] == 1) {
$output .= '<tr>'."\n";
$output .= ' <td colspan="'.$param['calendar_columns'].'" align="center" class="calendarTop'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
### Insert an img at will
if ($param['use_img'] ) {
$output .= '<img src="mois.gif">';
if ( $param['day_mode'] == 1 ) {
$output .= ' '.$current_day_name.' '.$current_day.' '.$current_month_name.' '.$current_year."\n";
else {
$output .= ' '.$current_month_name.' '.$current_year."\n";
$output .= ' </td>'."\n";
$output .= '</tr>'."\n";
### Building the table row with the days
if ($param['show_day'] == 1 && $param['day_mode'] == 0) {
$output .= '<tr align="center">'."\n";
$first_day = $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['first_day'];
for ($i = $first_day; $i < 7 + $first_day; $i++) {
$index = ( $i >= 7) ? (7 + $i): $i;
$index = ($i < 0) ? (7 + $i) : $i;
$day_name = ( $param['short_day_name'] == 1 ) ? substr($calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['days'][$index], 0, 1) : $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['days'][$index];
$output .= ' <td class="calendarHeader'.$param['calendar_id'].'"><b>'.$day_name.'</b></td>'."\n";
$output .= '</tr>'."\n";
$first_decalage = $first_decalage - $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['first_day'];
$first_decalage = ( $first_decalage > 7 ) ? $first_decalage - 7 : $first_decalage;
else {
$first_decalage = 0;
$output .= '<tr align="center">';
$int_counter = 0;
if ( $param['day_mode'] == 1 ) {
list($hour_start, $min_start) = explode(':', $param['time_start']);
list($hour_end, $min_end) = explode(':', $param['time_stop']);
$ts_start = ( $hour_start * 60 ) + $min_start;
$ts_end = ( $hour_end * 60 ) + $min_end;
$nb_steps = ceil( ($ts_end - $ts_start) / $param['time_step'] );
for ( $i = 0; $i <= $nb_steps; $i++ ) {
$current_ts = ($ts_start) + $i * $param['time_step'];
$current_hour = floor($current_ts / 60);
$current_min = $current_ts % 60;
$current_hour = (strlen($current_hour) < 2) ? '0'.$current_hour : $current_hour;
$current_min = (strlen($current_min) < 2) ? '0'.$current_min : $current_min;
$highlight_current = ( isset($param['highlight'][date('Ymd', $timestamp).$current_hour.$current_min]) );
$css_2_use = ( $highlight_current ) ? 'HL' : 'Days';
$txt_2_use = ( $highlight_current && $param['highlight_type'] == 'text') ? $param['highlight'][date('Ymd', $timestamp).$current_hour.$current_min] : '';
$output .= '<tr>'."\n";
if ( $param['link_on_hour'] != '') {
$output .= ' <td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'" width="10%"><a href="'.str_replace('%%hh%%', date('Ymd', $timestamp).$current_hour.$current_min, $param['link_on_hour']).'">'.$current_hour.':'.$current_min.'</a></td>'."\n";
else {
$output .= ' <td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'" width="10%">'.$current_hour.':'.$current_min.'</td>'."\n";
$output .= ' <td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'">'.$txt_2_use.'</td> '."\n";
$output .= '</tr>'."\n";
else {
# Filling with empty cells at the begining
for ($i = 1; $i < $first_decalage; $i++) {
$output .= '<td class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'"> </td>'."\n";
### Building the table
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_days_month; $i++) {
### Do we highlight the current day ?
$i_2 = ($i < 10) ? '0'.$i : $i;
$highlight_current = ( isset($param['highlight'][date('Ym', $timestamp).$i_2]) );
### Row start
if ( ($i + $first_decalage) % $param['calendar_columns'] == 2 && $i != 1) {
$output .= '<tr align="center">'."\n";
$int_counter = 0;
$css_2_use = ( $highlight_current ) ? 'HL' : 'Days';
$txt_2_use = ( $highlight_current && $param['highlight_type'] == 'text') ? '<br>'.$param['highlight'][date('Ym', $timestamp).$i_2] : '';
if ($i == $current_day) {
$output .= '<td class="calendarToday'.$param['calendar_id'].'" align="center">'.$i.$txt_2_use.'</td>'."\n";
elseif ($param['link_on_day'] != '') {
$loop_timestamp = mktime(0,0,0, $current_month, $i, $current_year);
if (( ($param['link_after_date'] == 0) && ($current_timestamp < $loop_timestamp)) || (($param['link_before_date'] == 0) && ($current_timestamp >= $loop_timestamp)) ){
$output .= '<td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'">'.$i.$txt_2_use.'</td>'."\n";
else {
$output .= '<td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'"><a href="'.str_replace('%%dd%%', $current_year.$current_month_2.$i_2,$param['link_on_day']).'">'.$i.'</a>'.$txt_2_use.'</td>'."\n";
else {
$output .= '<td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'">'.$i.'</td>'."\n";
### Row end
if ( ($i + $first_decalage) % ($param['calendar_columns'] ) == 1 ) {
$output .= '</tr>'."\n";
$cell_missing = $param['calendar_columns'] - $int_counter;
for ($i = 0; $i < $cell_missing; $i++) {
$output .= '<td class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'"> </td>'."\n";
$output .= '</tr>'."\n";
### Display the nav links on the bottom of the table
if ($param['nav_link'] == 1) {
$previous_month = date("Ymd",
mktime( 12,
($current_month - 1),
$previous_day = date("Ymd",
mktime( 12,
$current_day - 1,
$next_day = date("Ymd",
mktime( 1,
$current_day + 1,
$next_month = date("Ymd",
mktime( 1,
$current_month + 1,
if ($param['use_img']) {
$g = '<img src="g.gif" border="0">';
$gg = '<img src="gg.gif" border="0">';
$d = '<img src="d.gif" border="0">';
$dd = '<img src="dd.gif" border="0">';
else {
$g = '<';
$gg = '<<';
$d = '>';
$dd = '>>';
if ( ($param['link_after_date'] == 0)
&& ($current_timestamp < mktime(0,0,0, $current_month, $current_day+1, $current_year))
) {
$next_day_link = ' ';
else {
$next_day_link = '<a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?date='.$next_day.'" title="'.$calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['misc'][3].'">'.$d.'</a>'."\n";
if ( ($param['link_before_date'] == 0)
&& ($current_timestamp > mktime(0,0,0, $current_month, $current_day-1, $current_year))
$previous_day_link = ' ';
else {
$previous_day_link = '<a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?date='.$previous_day.'" title="'.$calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['misc'][2].'">'.$g.'</a>'."\n";
if ( ($param['link_after_date'] == 0)
&& ($current_timestamp < mktime(0,0,0, $current_month+1, $current_day, $current_year))
) {
$next_month_link = ' ';
else {
$next_month_link = '<a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?date='.$next_month.'" title="'.$calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['misc'][1].'">'.$dd.'</a>'."\n";
if ( ($param['link_before_date'] == 0)
&& ($current_timestamp >= mktime(0,0,0, $current_month-1, $current_day, $current_year))
$previous_month_link = ' ';
else {
$previous_month_link = '<a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?date='.$previous_month.'" title="'.$calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['misc'][0].'">'.$gg.'</a>'."\n";
$output .= '<tr>'."\n";
$output .= ' <td colspan="'.$param['calendar_columns'].'" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
$output .= ' <table width="100%" border="0" >';
$output .= ' <tr>'."\n";
$output .= ' <td width="25%" align="left" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
$output .= $previous_month_link;
$output .= ' </td>'."\n";
$output .= ' <td width="25%" align="center" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
$output .= $previous_day_link;
$output .= ' </td>'."\n";
$output .= ' <td width="25%" align="center" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
$output .= $next_day_link;
$output .= ' </td>'."\n";
$output .= ' <td width="25%" align="right" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
$output .= $next_month_link;
$output .= ' </td>'."\n";
$output .= ' </tr>';
$output .= ' </table>';
$output .= ' </td>'."\n";
$output .= '</tr>'."\n";
$output .= '</table>'."\n";
return $output;
function priv_reg_glob_calendar($var) {
Global $_GET, $_POST;
if (isset($_GET[$var])) {
return $_GET[$var];
elseif (isset($_POST[$var])) {
return $H_POST[$var];
else {
return '';
Message édité le 20/07/2010 17:25:06 |