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Messages : 2
Inscrit le : 10/01/2003 |
Posté le 10/01/2003 à 15:43:08
Message N°1 #
excuse-moi, mais je ne parle pas de francais. je veux ecrire en anglais...
i've downloaded your calendrier i don't know what to do. put the script on my site and tryed to run it....but the screen keeps white. what do i have to configure?? is there a database needed, and if, where can i find a dump for phpMyadmin???
thanks a lot, felix |

Messages : 619
Inscrit le : 04/04/2002 |
Posté le 10/01/2003 à 19:35:42
Message N°2 #
No problem, I can speak english with you 
the calendar can work in two steps :
first, you need to include le calendar file in your script like this :
<!--c1--><TABLE width="90%" class="code"><TR><TD class="codetxt"><pre><!--Ec1--> require_once 'calendrier.php'; <!--c2--></pre></TD></TR></TABLE><!--Ec2-->
the next step is also very easy, you need to echo the calendar itself with the following command :
<!--c1--><TABLE width="90%" class="code"><TR><TD class="codetxt"><pre><!--Ec1--> echo calendar(); <!--c2--></pre></TD></TR></TABLE><!--Ec2-->
That's all
You can also find the list of parameters that can be passed to the calendar in this
(the only problem is that this is page in only available in french . Hope you can read and understand french. If it's not the case, maybe we can translate it for you)

Messages : 2
Inscrit le : 10/01/2003 |
Posté le 11/01/2003 à 23:23:04
Message N°3 #
well, first thanks a lot. but let's talk about my second problem / question ;D .
i couldn't understand exactly what this calendar is about. can you add events to it, and if, how to do??
second problem: what variable do i have to change if i want to get that kind of style like the example on the right?? |

Messages : 619
Inscrit le : 04/04/2002 |
Posté le 12/01/2003 à 11:10:56
Message N°4 #
You cannot add event to the caldendar itself. If you want to do so, you must make a script that will be interfaced with the calendar.
For your second problem, I've translated the doc
You can find it here
For the example on the right, I used theses params :
<!--c1--><TABLE width="90%" class="code"><TR><TD class="codetxt"><pre><!--Ec1-->
$params['calendar_id'] = 2;
$params['calendar_columns'] = 1;
$params['show_month'] = 1;
$params['show_day'] = 0;
$params['use_img'] = 0;
Message édité par maverick
